Chai's Videos
아이는 놀이를 통해 다양한 감정을 표출해요
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우리 아이는 최근 놀이에서 어떤 감정을 표현하였나요?
2018-07-24 09:25:18 UTC
Please Note
All content on Chai's Play is for all caregivers of children. The main caregivers of children can vary from fathers, mothers, grandparents, and babysitters, depending on each family's situation. However, it is noted as 'Mom' for convenience in the content. This is not to imply that mothers should primarily raise children. Please understand this context.
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Chai's Play content is written by educators who specialize in child development. All content of Chai's Play is protected by copyright, and unauthorized reproduction or redistribution is prohibited.