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7살이 된 우리 아이, '수학' 어디까지 알고 있어야 할까요?
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수학은 놀이처럼 감각으로 경험해야 아이 기억 속에 더욱 오래 남게 된답니다. 6세부터 생활속 친숙하고 즐거운 놀이로 차근 차근 준비해 주세요 :)

Please Note
All content on Chai's Play is for all caregivers of children. The main caregivers of children can vary from fathers, mothers, grandparents, and babysitters, depending on each family's situation. However, it is noted as 'Mom' for convenience in the content. This is not to imply that mothers should primarily raise children. Please understand this context.
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